Posts Tagged With: parenting
Just don’t do the laundry
I am exhausted and cranky tonight, yet I have set goals for myself this week and I feel the need to start this up. For the one-hundred-thousandth time. Whatever. Today I had great plans to finish laundry and actually clean MY house. I have taken up a little side work cleaning houses and it makes […]
Older, Wiser or Lazy???
My son wore dirty underwear today. The older two boys would like for me to clarify that I am referring to the three-year-old, Caleb. I would like to tell you that he wore dirty underwear because we were told to evacuate our home due to an impending landslide or something of the sort, and we […]
Love people in carline?
As I sat in the carline from hell yesterday (don’t judge me — if you have EVER in your life lived through the first-week-of-school-carline-madness, you know this is the only appropriate adjective), I composed a blog in my head. I was 25 cars back from the turn that takes you into the parking lot. As […]