Posts Tagged With: rin
Hail to the hopeful Chief
So here we are in another fun election year. To say Ric and I enjoy politics would be an understatement. We love watching the returns on election night and have friends over to watch the Presidential debates. We are dorky concerned citizens that enjoy the fun of election year. At least the latter part of it.
Most memorable birthdays
In honor of my birthday month, I thought I would compile a list of my most memorable birthdays. As you may know, I have been waiting for my birthday since April. It is very near and I am very excited, as I always have been about my birthday. So……here we go.
What’s a Pony Bird? Thanks for asking.
My Uncle Tommy is 56 years old. He has cerebral palsy and other disabilities that leave him non-ambulatory, requiring a wheelchair. A few years ago, my grandparents, who are in their 80s, had to make the toughest decision of their lives. They had to move Tommy out of their home. However, they soon found out that […]