Author Archives: Rin
What’s my house like?
Someone asked me yesterday, “So, what’s your house like with three sons?” My answer? “Loud.” Very, very loud. This morning so many things were going on in the short two hours I have been awake. Item one: We are getting ready to go somewhere. I had to yell over the Dude Perfect that was blaring […]
The End of Innocence
I turned 40 in December. It wasn’t an easy transition. My father passed away when he was 41 and left my mother a widow at 39. I had all sorts of anxiety about nearing the number of doom. I was pretty certain I was going to have some disease or maybe wake up with wrinkles all […]
On a scale of 1 to 10……..
All three of my children were born via c-section. I wouldn’t have it any other way. I got to schedule the day, make sure my hair and makeup looked good for the inevitable photos, and best of all, I got a morphine button. By the time I had number three, I was certain that this […]