Hot Topic: How I would spend $100

Given the fact that we just discussed Dave Ramsey, I’m sure you all will understand this subject. The rule for this week is simply this: Ric and I have $100 each to spend ONLY on ourselves. For all you holy-rollers, the tithe has already been deducted from our money, don’t worry.  What do we buy? Books? A purse? Makeup? Four baseball cards? Do we go crazy in Family Dollar?

As many of you already know, all I need to do is narrow down my birthday list. It will probably take some time to narrow it down, but hey, I’m always prepared. See the following if you are in the dark:

Tune in Friday to find out what’s at the top of  my list and what Ric will pick. Spoiler alert: Books. That’s what he will pick.



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