“National Only Child Day. Each year on April 10, brothers and sisters across America celebrate the annual Siblings Day holiday. But what about the millions of Americans who don’t have any bothers or sisters? April 12 is National Only Child Day, a special day that celebrates the only child in the family.” – Google
I would like to take this opportunity to celebrate my parents’ wise decision to only have me.
My father was an only child and knew how amazing that experience was and wanted to pass that blessing on to me. I am so thankful he did. Now, if you are putting two and two together you will realize that not only am I an only child, but I am an only grandchild on my paternal side.
Mic drop.
So today is my day. I will wish myself congratulations on not having to share my Barbies, getting the biggest room, not having to worry about a prettier sibling and pretty much being the only apple of my parents’ eye.
I will now share a few pictures of me from my childhood. Much like the National Sibling’s Day tradition. Except I have complete control over what photos are put out to the world.

Just me and my buddy Santa. We didn’t have to rush for a screaming younger sibling. It was glorious.
Corinn: Have a great Only Child Day! Maybe celebrate with a nice long nap this afternoon after you have mom take you to lunch to celebrate her life with you. This is your day, make the most of it.