Posts Tagged With: marriage
Dave Ramsey: He makes me sick
I get extremely motivated and physically ill when I listen to Dave Ramsey. I hear these great motivational stories of people paying off $175,000 in debt in a year, but then I feel like an incredible loser when I begin to believe such debt-free success is just not possible for me and my family. But […]
BHT: When you love someone…
There has always been drama surrounding food choices in our household. When Ric and I were first married I got tired of eating baked potatoes. His response? “What will I tell people? I like to tell people that my wife and I like to eat steak and potatoes!” Little did he know that would be […]
Joseph’s “Get Up and Go” – a lesson for us dads
If ever there was a model for dads and stepdads, it’s Joseph — Jesus’ dad here on Earth. Called a righteous man, Joseph was blessed with the “get up and go” gene. Four times in the first two chapters of Matthew, we learn that Joseph — in obedience to God — “got up” and took […]