It’s almost time!

For the past three years, I have made it a point to attend the Global Leadership Summit.


Here are some reasons why:

  • I learn from some of the world’s best leaders
  • I always walk away inspired and ready to act
  • My creativity is sparked
  • After the Summit, I am energized and see my projects with fresh eyes
  • I get energized and pumped up
  • I am reminded that you can still be a Christian in the workplace
  • For two days, I get to network with other professionals and we have a shared experience
  • The books! You gotta love the books!
Check out this year’s faculty of speakers, including: Condoleezza Rice, Jim Collins, Bill Hybels, and Sheryl Wudunn.
This year’s Summit is Aug. 9-10.
Find a live telecast site near you and register today. If you’re in Texas, consider attending this year’s event at Baylor University.

Watch this video and learn more about the Global Leadership Summit.




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