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What Not to Watch (with a boy)
Last Sunday afternoon Ric and I were relaxing while the kids took a nap. He started flipping channels and stopped on Alien vs. Predator. I honestly was surprised he stalled on the ridiculous movie, but he started watching it and really seemed to like it. I wasn’t paying too much attention, so I just thought […]
Not really a chick flick kinda guy
Rin and I don’t always mesh when it comes to TV viewing pleasures. Friends When we first met, she was addicted — ADDICTED! — to Friends. While I do find myself laughing at one of the Matts now and then, I can’t watch the show for any real length of time. In fact, I don’t […]
Hail to the hopeful Chief
So here we are in another fun election year. To say Ric and I enjoy politics would be an understatement. We love watching the returns on election night and have friends over to watch the Presidential debates. We are dorky concerned citizens that enjoy the fun of election year. At least the latter part of it.