Author Archives: Ric

Ric’s Top Scary Movies — and a few stories

I love scary movies. Always have. Growing up, I’d stay up late, well after my parents went to bed, to watch something scary. When I was little, I’d catch late-night showings of Tales from the Darkside or reruns of The Twilight Zone. I remember watching A Nightmare on Elm Street with my cousin when it […]

Categories: Ric | Tags: , ,

Hot Topic: Public versus Private

My parents moved me from a Catholic school in South St. Louis to a public school in South St. Louis County just prior to third grade. I was scared. Not because it was a public school. I was scared — like any kid would be — because it was a new environment. It was a strange place.

Categories: Hot Topic | Tags: , , , , ,

Hot Topic: Why my private school is way better than your public school

I never went to public school a day in my life. My parents sent me to private school all the way from Kindergarten through high school. I even went to a private college. Probably because my parents loved me more than public school kids’ parents loved them.

Categories: Hot Topic, Rin | Tags: , ,

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