Posts Tagged With: Election 2012

Hail to the hopeful Chief

So here we are in another fun election year. To say Ric and I enjoy politics would be an understatement.  We love watching the returns on election night and have friends over to watch the Presidential debates. We are dorky  concerned citizens that enjoy the fun of election year.  At least the latter part of it.

Categories: Hot Topic, Rin | Tags: , , , ,

Waiting for the 2012 Debate Box Set

I’ve been a political junkie since 1992 when I was a freshman in high school. That year, in our social studies class, we watched as presidential candidates — everyone from Bill Clinton, Paul Tsongas and Jerry Brown to George Bush and H. Ross Perot — duked it out on national TV and on the front […]

Categories: Hot Topic, Ric | Tags: , ,

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