This week, while posting some music to my iPod, I came across some Johnny Mathis Christmas music. Classic songs that, when heard, launch most people into the Christmas spirit. Not so much for my wife, Mrs. Scrooge. She told me to turn it off.
It’s too early for Christmas! she hissed from the other side of the living room.
I’ll be honest with you; something happened last year that was really weird. When Christmas was over, I was sad. Really sad. Like, brought to tears sad. No one died. I saw all my family that year. But for some reason, I was just extremely sad. So sad, in fact, that our family hosted a second Christmas! We even bought more gifts for the kids! How cool a dad am I?
Now that I look back, that was our last Christmas in our home in Missouri. We had no clue we’d be moving then, but maybe God was preparing us for that. Who knows? Anyway, my wife proposed that we debate the appropriate time of year to begin playing Christmas music, putting up decorations, etc. So that’s what we’ll do.
I look forward to seeing what she’ll write this week. She’s been a little feisty lately, so her words will probably drip with a little extra sarcasm — and venom. Watch out, Johnny Mathis!
Oh, and just in case you want to jump in early, here’s a little something for you. Enjoy! I bet you play it more than once — unless you’re a Scrooge.